Search Engine Optimization.

What is SEO, Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines. Firms that practice SEO can vary; some have a highly specialized focus, while others take a more broad and general approach. Optimizing a web site for search engines can require looking at so many unique elements that many practitioners of SEO (SEOs) consider themselves to be in the broad field of website optimization (since so many of those elements intertwine).

How an SEO campaign can help your business

Search engines are always working towards improving their technology to crawl the web more deeply and return increasingly relevant results to users. However, there is and will always be a limit to how search engines can operate. Whereas the right moves can net you thousands of visitors and attention, the wrong moves can hide or bury your site deep in the search results where visibility is minimal. In addition to making content available to search engines, Search Engine Optimization can also help boost rankings so that content that has been found will be placed where searchers will more readily see it. The online environment is becoming increasingly competitive, and those companies who perform SEO will have a decided advantage in visitors and customers.

Top Five SEO Myths

1. In-House SEO Is Cheaper

Less than 1 percent of the marketing budget goes to SEO, leaving corporate Web sites improperly optimized. SEO pros can get better rankings faster because submission is complex, technical, ever changing, and has a steep learning curve. Outsourcing is cost-effective because the pros get economies-of-scale after initial outlays in personnel, technology, and process development. In-house SEO lacks cost maximization.

2. It’s a One-Shot Deal with Submission Software

Submission software promises the moon. But how can software get the same kind of results reputable vendors provide for a fraction of the cost? There’s no way software can identify keywords automatically or optimize your content and HTML coding. All the engines have specific submission guidelines that change regularly. It’s not one size fits all and no software program can customize and update to the degree required to maintain top listings.

3. Top Rankings Guaranteed or You’re Money Back

Money-back guarantees are worthless in search engine positioning because outcomes are always unpredictable and ever-changing. Technicians cannot control the search engines.

4. We’ll List You in Thousands of Search Engines

Submission software claiming to “Submit to 1,500 directories and search engines” gets you listed in many FFA (Free for All) engines. FFAs don’t compare to directories and engines like Yahoo! and Google, and your name gets on email spam lists.

5. Once You Achieve Good Rankings, You’re All Set

Search engine positioning requires trial and error, and success is ephemeral. Today’s top listings will change tomorrow or even on an hourly basis. Maintaining positioning requires constant monitoring and tweaking. It can’t be guaranteed, and it’s not permanent once achieved.

So let’s begin.

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